Strategize, Organize, Mobilize for a Brighter Future in Iowa

Activate Iowa is an online knowledge base for progressive organizers in Iowa, offering a collection of tools and guides. The platform provides resources for voter protection, digital organizing, advocacy, and networking, empowering users with the information they need to effect positive change in their communities.

2024 Guides coming soon!

Voting  rules made easy for voters, campaign volunteers, poll watchers etc. Downloadable. 

These guides detail current election law in Iowa and also contain specific information for the following counties. If you would like a guide for your county contact us.


Supporting Democrats in 2022

A digital asset library of images for use in the 2022 election cycle.

Activate Iowa

Activate Iowa is a grassroots effort to elect Democrats in our state. Do you need help with digital organizing for your campaign or grassroots organizing effort?  We are volunteering our editorial, graphic design and web design skills this election season.